
What is Grgit?

A library providing a wrapper around Eclipse’s JGit for more fluent usage from Groovy. This allows you to interact easily with Git repositories from general applications using Groovy or from Gradle builds.

Where do I get Grgit?

As of Grgit 3, the coordinates for the library have changed.

  • Instead of:

    • org.ajoberstar:grgit:<version>

  • Use one of:

    • org.ajoberstar.grgit:grgit-core:<version>

    • org.ajoberstar.grgit:grgit-gradle:<version>

The Gradle plugin ID has not changed. It is still org.ajoberstar.grgit.

To use Grgit as a library, use it as a dependency from Maven Central. Available versions can be found in the release notes.

repositories {

dependencies {
  compile 'org.ajoberstar.grgit:grgit-core:<version>'

To use Grgit in a Gradle build, see the documentation for org.ajoberstar.grgit.

How do I use Grgit?

First you need to get an instance of Grgit, by either initializing a new repo or opening or cloning an existing repo.

Once you have a Grgit instance, you can use the available operations to inspect or modify the repo. Each operation has 3 variants, depending on your preference:

// no arg variant, only applies to operations that don't require input

// map argument variant
grgit.log(includes: ['master', 'other-branch'], excludes: ['old-stuff'], skipCommits: 5)

// closure argument variant
grgit.log {
  range('1.0.0', '1.5.1')
  maxCommits = 2

Look in the grgit-reference documentation for information on each available operation, it’s options, and example usage. Additionally, see the authentication documentation if you plan to interact with a remote repository.

Example Usage

In an example like this, using the HTTP protocol, you’ll likely need to specify basic auth credentials. This can be done via system properties or environment variables. SSH access (including ssh-agent and Pageant) are also supported. (Again, see the authentication documentation.)

Environment Variables
// get a grgit instance
def grgit = Grgit.clone(dir: 'test-repo', uri: '')

// make some changes
new File('test-repo/file.txt') << 'making some changes'
grgit.add(patterns: ['test-repo/file.txt'])

// make a commit
grgit.commit(message: 'Adding a new file')

// view the commits
grgit.log {
  range('origin/master', 'master')
}.each { commit ->
  println "${} ${commit.shortMessage}"

// push to the remote

// cleanup after yourself