

grgit-pull - Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch


grgit.pull(remote: '<name or uri>', branch: '<name>', rebase: <boolean>)
grgit.pull {
  remote = '<name or uri>'
  branch = '<name>'
  rebase = <boolean>


Incorporates changes from a remote repository into the current branch. In its default mode, git pull is shorthand for fetch followed by merge.

More precisely, pull runs fetch with the given parameters and calls merge to merge the retrieved branch heads into the current branch. With rebase, it runs rebase instead of merge.

Default values for remote and branch are read from the "remote" and "merge" configuration for the current branch.

Assume the following history exists and the current branch is "master":

	  A---B---C master on origin
    D---E---F---G master
	origin/master in your repository

Then "git pull" will fetch and replay the changes from the remote master branch since it diverged from the local master (i.e., E) until its current commit C on top of master and record the result in a new commit along with the names of the two parent commits and a log message from the user describing the changes.

	  A---B---C origin/master
	 /         \
    D---E---F---G---H master



(String, default null) The "remote" repository that is source of a pull operation. This parameter can be either a URL or the name of a remote.


(String, default null) The remote branch to pull.


(boolean, default false) When true, rebase the current branch on top of the upstream branch after fetching. If there is a remote-tracking branch corresponding to the upstream branch and the upstream branch was rebased since last fetched, the rebase uses that information to avoid rebasing non-local changes.
