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all(PartialSemVerStrategy) - Method in StrategyUtil
Creates a strategy that applies all of the given strategies in order.
apply(Project) - Method in BaseReleasePlugin
apply(Project) - Method in ExperimentalReleasePlugin
apply(Project) - Method in GithubPagesPlugin
Applies the plugin to the given project.
apply(Project) - Method in GrgitPlugin
apply(Project) - Method in OpinionReleasePlugin


BaseReleasePlugin - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.base
Plugin providing the base structure of gradle-git's flavor of release behavior.
BasicPasswordCredentials - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.auth
Basic implementation of PasswordCredentials.
BasicPasswordCredentials(String, String) - Constructor in BasicPasswordCredentials
Constructs credentials with the given arguments.


ChangeScope - Enum in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.semver
closure(Closure<SemVerStrategyState>) - Method in StrategyUtil
Creates a strategy backed by the given closure.
credentials(Closure) - Method in GithubPagesPluginExtension
Configured the credentials to be used when interacting with the repo.


defaultSelector(Project, Grgit) - Method in DefaultVersionStrategy
Determines if the strategy can be used as a default strategy for inferring the project's version.
defaultSelector(Project, Grgit) - Method in SemVerStrategy
Determines whether this strategy can be used to infer the version as a default.
DefaultVersionStrategy - Interface in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.base
Strategy to infer a version from the project's and Git repository's state.
doInfer(Project, Grgit, NearestVersionLocator) - Method in SemVerStrategy


ExperimentalReleasePlugin - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.experimental
Experimental release plugin that removes some previous coupling to extensions.


fromBranchPattern(Pattern) - Method in Strategies.Normal
Uses the specified pattern to enforce that versions inferred on this branch comply.


getName() - Method in RebuildVersionStrategy
getName() - Method in VersionStrategy
The name of the strategy.
getPassword() - Method in BasicPasswordCredentials
getRelativeDestinationDir() - Method in GithubPagesPluginExtension.DestinationCopySpec
getRepoUri() - Method in GithubPagesPluginExtension
Gets the URI of the Github repository.
getUsername() - Method in BasicPasswordCredentials
getVersionStrategies() - Method in ReleasePluginExtension
Gets all strategies in the order they were inserted into the extension.
getWorkingDir() - Method in GithubPagesPluginExtension
Gets the working directory that the repo will be places in.
GithubPagesPlugin - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.ghpages
Plugin to enable publishing to gh-pages branch of Github.
GithubPagesPluginExtension - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.ghpages
Extension for gh-pages specific properties.
GithubPagesPluginExtension.DestinationCopySpec - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.ghpages
GithubPagesPluginExtension.DestinationCopySpec(Project) - Constructor in GithubPagesPluginExtension.DestinationCopySpec
GithubPagesPluginExtension(Project) - Constructor in GithubPagesPluginExtension
Constructs the plugin extension.
GrgitPlugin - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.base
Plugin adding a grgit property to all projects that searches for a Git repo from the root project's directory.



incrementNormalFromScope(SemVerStrategyState, ChangeScope) - Method in StrategyUtil
Increments the nearest normal version using the specified scope.
infer(SemVerStrategyState) - Method in PartialSemVerStrategy
Infers a portion of a semantic version and returns the new state to be used as inference continues.
infer(Project, Grgit) - Method in RebuildVersionStrategy
Infers the version based on the version tag on the current HEAD with the highest precendence.
infer(Project, Grgit) - Method in SemVerStrategy
Infers the version to use for this build.
infer(Project, Grgit) - Method in VersionStrategy
Infers the project version from the repository.
INSTANCE - Field in RebuildVersionStrategy
into(Object) - Method in GithubPagesPluginExtension.DestinationCopySpec




locate(Grgit) - Method in NearestVersionLocator
Locate the nearest version in the given repository starting from the current HEAD.


maybeCreateTag(Grgit, ReleaseVersion) - Method in TagStrategy
If the release version specifies a tag should be created, create a tag using the provided Grgit instance and this instance's state to determine the tag name and message.


NearestVersion - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.semver
Nearest version tags reachable from the current HEAD.
NearestVersionLocator - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.semver
Locates the nearest org.ajoberstar.grgit.Tags whose names can be parsed as a com.github.zafarkhaja.semver.Version.
NearestVersionLocator(TagStrategy) - Constructor in NearestVersionLocator


ObjectUtil - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.util
Utility class for general Object related operations.
one(PartialSemVerStrategy) - Method in StrategyUtil
Creates a strategy that applies each strategy in order, until one changes the state, which is then returned.
OpinionReleasePlugin - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.opinion
Plugin providing the base structure of gradle-git's flavor of release behavior.


pages(Closure) - Method in GithubPagesPluginExtension
Configures the gh-pages copy spec.
parseIntOrZero(String) - Method in StrategyUtil
Returns the int value of a string or returns 0 if it cannot be parsed.
PartialSemVerStrategy - Interface in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.semver
Strategy to infer portions of a semantic version.
project - Field in ReleasePluginExtension



RebuildVersionStrategy - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.semver
Strategy that infers the version based on the tag on the current HEAD.
ReleasePluginExtension - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.base
Extension providing configuration options for gradle-git's release plugins.
ReleasePluginExtension(Project) - Constructor in ReleasePluginExtension
ReleaseVersion - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.base
Represents an inferred version and any related metadata to be used after the inference.


selector(Project, Grgit) - Method in RebuildVersionStrategy
Determines whether this strategy should be used to infer the version.
selector(Project, Grgit) - Method in SemVerStrategy
Determines whether this strategy should be used to infer the version.
selector(Project, Grgit) - Method in VersionStrategy
Determines if the strategy should be used to infer the project's version.
SemVerStrategy - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.semver
Strategy to infer versions that comply with Semantic Versioning.
SemVerStrategyState - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.semver
Working state used by PartialSemVerStrategy.
setPassword(String) - Method in BasicPasswordCredentials
setPrefixNameWithV(boolean) - Method in TagStrategy
Added for backwards compatibility.
setUsername(String) - Method in BasicPasswordCredentials
Strategies - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.opinion
Opinionated sample strategies.
Strategies.BuildMetadata - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.opinion
Sample strategies that infer the build metadata component of a version.
Strategies.Normal - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.opinion
Sample strategies that infer the normal component of a version.
Strategies.PreRelease - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.opinion
Sample strategies that infer the pre-release component of a version.
StrategyUtil - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.semver
Utility class to more easily create PartialSemVerStrategy instances.


TagStrategy - Class in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.base
Strategy for creating a Git tag associated with a release.
tagStrategy(Closure) - Method in ReleasePluginExtension
Configures the tag strategy with the provided closure.
TagStrategy() - Constructor in TagStrategy
toGrgit() - Method in BasicPasswordCredentials
Converts to credentials for use in Grgit.
toVersion() - Method in SemVerStrategyState


unpack(Object) - Method in ObjectUtil
Unpacks the given object by recursively calling the call() method if the object is a Closure or Callable.
unpackString(Object) - Method in ObjectUtil
Unpacks the given object to its String value.
useScope(ChangeScope) - Method in Strategies.Normal
Always use the scope provided to increment the normal component.


VersionStrategy - Interface in org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.release.base
Strategy to infer a version from the project's and Git repository's state.
versionStrategy(VersionStrategy) - Method in ReleasePluginExtension
Adds a strategy to the extension.






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